Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Fat to Fit Story (Health and Fitness)

you could just see it in the face. left: 185lbs, right: 135lbs

At lunch the other day, my coworkers asked me how I was able to lose more than 40 lbs in 3 months during my initial weight lost trial which was 3 years ago. Normally I would excitedly describe all the workout plans, diets, supplement trends etc. but instead I gave them a much simple answer. I told them it was just motivation.

Even if you lived in a 24 hour fitness center and lived next door to a whole foods, reaching your fitness goals would be near impossible if you didn't have motivation.

I was more muscle-chubby than I was fat to others, but in my eyes I was the fattest I've ever seen myself. It was hard to sit up in bed and would rather roll out of it. After failing nursing school, I let myself go;  I ate greasy foods late at night and drank too much beer. Weighing in at 185-188 lbs and with a height of 5'6, according to the BMI scale, I wasn't just overweight... I was obese.

I use to look in the mirror and question, "Why am I not fit yet?" Then I would bluntly tell myself, "It's because you don't want it enough. If you truly wanted to be fit and healthy, you would find any way you can to get there."

So I began to want it more.

I began to push myself harder in my garage-gym, I was reading more fitness articles, and I began to calibrate my eating habits to healthy choices.

When you want it more, you can do anything.

Listed below are some tips that helped me with my physical transformation:

1. Just get started. 
- Just like Captain Kirk said in Star Trek: Into The Darkness, "I don't know what I supposed to do, I only know what I can do."
Meaning, even if you don't have an official fitness blue print, go for a jog, do some push ups and jumping jacks today. You can find out more over time, but just get started and do what you can.

2. Find yourself someone who successfully did it and copy what they did. 
- My mentor, Arvin, was successful in his physical transformation. He encouraged me to try the P90X system and we would always have fitness/self-improvement discussions.

3. Get out of your comfort zone.
- This is gold. You should do the workouts that you don't look forward to. I hate working out my legs because it's a tough routine and I become super sore the next day. Remember nothing good comes easy.

4. Make it a habit.
- This is probably the most important tip. You need to be consistent with your actions and commit to at least 4 days of exercising a week. (It was hard for me to find time initially, but I sacrificed watching TV and pointless things so I could get it done.) Try to go a whole month of working out and it should become tolerable because it takes 30 days to form a habit.

5. Take responsibility
- No one else can work your body out except for you. You can have a coach to push you, but ultimately it's up to you to get yourself to the finish line. Also, take responsibility on what you put in your mouth. (hehe)
No one is forcing you to eat that krispy kreme donut but you... (but if you do have some, please share with me...)

6. Do more every time
- Happiness is all about growth and progress. If you did 20 push ups last time, you should try to do 21 push ups the next time around.
I couldn't do more than 2 pull ups before.. Now I can do 16-18 at a time. It took a while, but I got there.

7. Have long term goals
- Studies show that more people are successful when they plan further ahead with their fitness goals. So instead of saying that you want to lose 5 pounds in one week, try to shoot for 15 pounds within a month or so. I know a friend of mine who is getting into shape for his wedding in a few months; he already lost more than 40 lbs! And he's still going at it. Also remember that this is going to take a while so don't feel discouraged. Tony Horton says, "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body."

8. Set yourself up for success
- Get rid of the junk food in your cabinets and fridge. Just donate it or throw it in the trash. Plan your workouts and what you will eat in advance. Buy new clothes that are smaller as motivation for fitting into them.


It took some trial and error, but I got to a pretty good point weighing in at 135 lbs and some muscle tone. I wasn't as "buff" as other guys, but that didn't matter to me. What really mattered was that I felt good. This was such an eye opening experience to see actual physical change if you really believe in yourself and work hard. I am now trying to apply these same tips to other aspects in my life.

2 things about this pic. First, those prescription pills on the left are antibiotics for when I was sick. Second, I'm aware that I needed a tan in this pic. I never take shirtless pics like this.

The picture above was me after 4-5 months of P90x and still eating cheese burgers (I love food too much, what can I say.)

Currently I am getting back into the groove of things as I was on a fitness hiatus for 2 months. I am excited to see what results I can achieve by mixing things up and introducing a healthier diet than I was previously on. (I will keep you posted on my future endeavors.)

My short term goal is to fit into my halloween costume. Kids who come trick or treating at our house, don't deserve to see a spiderman with a hanging out beer gut. (Don't judge me)

My long term goal is to maintain good energy and strength to help accomplish more goals I have for myself in the future; like being able to write when I get home, activities like snowboarding, kayaking, hiking. and being strong for my future travels coming up i.e. running with the bulls in Spain.

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