Thursday, August 15, 2013

How To Lose A Girl In Ten Days

This other day my sister suggested I write an article inspired by one her favorite movies, How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days.

So here's what to do if you want to lose the girl. (Just to be clear. If you want the girl, do the opposite.)
This is dedicated to all the nice guys out there and to my friend who asked me why nice guys finish last. 


1. Kiss And Tell 
-Yes.. You scored a kiss and you want to tell the world. But here's the thing. It's only a kiss. It's not like she said yes to marriage or agreed to being your baby's mama. A kiss is just another form of expressing oneself.
And even though you feel like you want to update your status to in a relationship, don't. A girl is still unsure of you and she doesn't need you to brag to people (especially the people she might know). So be a gentleman and protect her reputation. 

2. You Make Her Unhappy By Making Her Only Happy
-This is where most nice guys tend to get kicked to the curb. You did everything right. You bought her gifts and flowers, rushed to her doorstep when she calls you, and also complimented her on everything. So what went wrong? Don't beat yourself up. 
You ever wonder why she loves chick flicks? It's because she wants to experience a range of emotions. The happy times, the sad times, and everything in between. If you're constantly pleasing, it gets boring. 
Don't be afraid to tell her what you really think or feel (even if she does get mad). But don't make her mad on purpose. Don't be a jerk, just be honest. 

3. Don't Treat Her Like A Little Princess
- Girls like guys that remind them of their dad. So take her out for ice cream and tell her that she's adorable.
And if you find yourself at Disneyland with her, it's game over. 

4. Give Her All The Control
- If there's anything you can remember from all of this, make sure you lead. Lead her, lead the situation, and lead yourself. Step it up and be a man. Take her hand and lead her (don't drag her) outside the bar, insist on doing the dishes, and be sure of all the actions you take including your own life. Take control of your own happiness with your work, hobbies, and good characters you would like to bestow upon yourself.

5.  Tell Her You'll Leave Her
- This one is an easy one. Just be there for her.

6. Lie To Her
- This one is a hard one. Learn to be honest.

7. Don't Protect Her
- You don't have to be an MMA fighter in order to safely guard her. But are you willing to take a punch? Now that's the question.

8. Refuse To Accept Her Past
- We all have a history. So try to listen, understand, and accept where she came from. It might not be the best origins and there could be some really dark times in her life. But the fact that you can listen without judgement is one of the best things you can do for her. 

9. Don't Value Yourself
- Make sure you do as much for yourself as you do for her. Workout and get back into shape. Do things that you like to do for yourself. Find your worth and keep it. Become an important social person and reach out to others too. Let her know that she made the right choice with you because other people just think you're amazing as well.

10. Ignore Her Beauty
- Stop playing video games for a second and just stare at her. She's gorgeous. Let her know that in every chance you get. You want her and only her. Tell her in a song, with a hug, when you smile at her, when you kiss her. 

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