Monday, August 26, 2013

The Present Is Truly A Gift

First scene:

The feel of my cold smooth leather steering wheel.
Images of cars that belong to other early risers as they make their way slowly cruising and turning through the newly wet streets of town.
The sound of my radio being out-noised by the shushing of my defogger to clear my windshield.
The smooth milky taste of my protein breakfast shake. It reminds me of a chilled version of grandma's hot cocoa.
The feel of the scruff on my face that comes into contact with my fingers. I use my hand to help me decipher/decode/interpret my age like a blind man reading braille. I remember as kids, my brother and I would be fascinated by the needles that grew from my dad's beard. I imagine one day waking up to tiny hands slapping my face as I see my own kids amazed my facial hair.
I continue to make my way to work.

This moment is perfect...

Next scene:

Sun rays radiantly splashes my face and arms.
Slow and carefree footsteps make sound as if each step was lighter than the last.
A light California wind kiss my cheek.
People sitting and chatting, ignoring the constant magic show of a pleasant Sunday afternoon.
I sometimes forget how blessed I am to live here.
I open the door to the restaurant and step inside with my friend.

This moment is perfect..

Last scene:

The only thing I hear is the soft constant buzz of the AC above me.
A pair of eyes comes in contact with mine. They linger as if to tell me a secret. I pretend dumb but it's no use. My eyes aren't very good at lying.
I feel the right side of my mouth slowly erupts and instigates a smile.
I take a deep breath. I breathe it all in.

This moment is perfect..

The Power Of Now
In my search of happiness, I stumbled upon a book entitled, "The Power Of Now". I could sit here and tell you that it's an Oprah's recommended read and that you too should read it as well, but I won't. Chances are, you will feel like it's nonsense and very repetitive. Depending where you are in life is how well you resonate with the book.

So here are some highlights from me to you. 

We go through life waiting for happiness to arrive. We wait for the right job so we can be happy. We wait for the next significant other so they can make us happy. We wait for the promotion to make more money to make us happy. We wait for the day we can become single again so we can be happy. The point is, we are never happy unless we seriously take a look around at what we have now. Right NOW.

Use your senses. What do you see, feel, hear, smell and taste? What current worries and troubles are going on right at this moment? Let's not think about deadlines or bills that come with tomorrow. Let's not think about what negative thing someone said to us yesterday or 10 minutes ago. At this current moment, you are perfect the way you are. Do constant self checks. I am healthy and I am without worries at this current moment. It's not until we sick, we envy our healthy moments.

A good example of this is to watch MEET JOE BLACK. It's where the angel of death decides to try living as a human for once to see what the big deal is about with living. He borrows a body (played by Brad Pitt) and learns to live life from an old rich business man (Anthony Hopkins). He learns all the simple pleasures in life that we take for granted, like peanut butter. He finds joy in spending time with people and interacting with them. He learns to love everything and he learns to love in general. In every scene you can see him soak in every second and moment the world has to offer as if it was the last few seconds of the world. 

So my advice to you? Find the excitement in the boring. Live as if you're on a vacation and you've never truly seen what this world looked like before. Love long and kiss slowly. Hold on to every minute of this reality as if someone would rip it away from you unexpectedly. 

We live in such a fast world, but we can learn to slow it down. We must slow down, because tomorrow is gunning for us.  

Just remember, this moment and every moment is perfect. Expect nothing less. 

Btw, here's the link to the audiobook of "The Power Is Now" if you just want to listen to it.

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