Friday, September 6, 2013


With the holidays just around the corner, it doesn't have to be Thanksgiving in order for us to be thankful. When we are unhappy, its very common for us to hear others say, "Come on, be grateful for what you have." or "Why don't you count your blessings." We tend to shrug our shoulders and let those nagging words fly by us. Although we let that advice in one ear and out the other, the fact is that there's more truth behind those sayings than what is perceived.

The fastest way I learned to be happy and get what I want is by noticing more of the good things in my life rather than the bad. The idea comes from "The Law of Attraction" and it states that the more we put our attention on something, the more of it we will receive.

So instead of focusing on what you don't have, rephrase your mind to become positive to what you already have. For example:
1. I don't have a job = I appreciate that I have the skills to work in most settings and that I have the demand to acquire the job that suits me the best.
2. I'm lonely and I don't have a significant other = I appreciate that I am clearly a lovable person and using my free time to focus on the things that make me happy. I appreciate that I am making better quality interactions with people that potentially will lead to amazing long term relationships.
3. I'm broke = I appreciate that I am aware of my spending situation, I am capable of saving, and that I have the resources (i.e. family/friends) to help keep me financially afloat until I start gathering income.
4. I'm out of shape = I appreciate that there are activities I find enjoyable that are beneficial to my health; ie hiking, swimming, jogging, kayaking

If you gave the same gift to two kids and one kid threw the gift in the trash and the other hugged it and thanked you, which kid would you continue to shower more gifts with?

The Universe works the same way with appreciative people. I'm just saying..

Whenever my friends and I eat food, we take into consideration of the millions of people in the world who are unable to experience this luxury. We become so appreciative that the same burger we've had a hundred times before, suddenly becomes ambrosia (food of the gods). I developed a new passion for food when I noticed the stars of the food channel describe their food while in between bites. I started practicing this exercise with a cream cheese wonton I had the other night. When I bit into it, I noticed it was crisp and flaky. The cream cheese was soft and sweet. I encourage everyone to find words online to describe food and incorporate this practice when eating.

Finally, you can get people to do what you want by appreciating them rather than nagging them. In the book, "Get Anyone To Do Anything" by David J. Lieberman, you can get people to follow through with what you want them to do by praising them for their actions. So if you're constantly complaining how your significant other is taking hours to get ready to go out, you should try saying, "You know, I appreciate how considerate you are in regards to my feelings and I appreciate you for getting ready earlier. I also appreciate the effort and time you spend on yourself although you were beautiful to begin with.. Damn, you're so sexy, I can't help myself.." (Yes, you have to say all of that. But try to be sincere too.)

Lately, I been so blessed with so many amazing things and opportunities and I owe it to my new found appreciation of what life has to offer.
I am very grateful for the good quality people who come into my life and I make sure I let them know that.
To be honest, I used to focus on the faults of people and the drama that comes along with them, which in turn would add up and I would get more of. I'm grateful that's not the case anymore.

So in conclusion, be thankful/appreciative/grateful every chance you get. Count your lucky stars and you will soon find yourself in a better situation than yesterday.

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