Saturday, October 26, 2013

Reseting Reality (I am my environment)

You are your environment.. I believe this so much.

Call it magic or psychological reprogramming, but depending how your external world set up, you will become. I wrote about this particular subject in a previous post but I feel the need to extend it. Lately, I noticed big changes in my character and I owe it all to the world I have set up for myself. My room is neat, my car is clean, my cubicle is organized and my clothes are ironed and fresh.

I look at every thing outside of myself and ask specific questions.. 
"Is this where a successful person lives?" or
"Is this where a happy person spends his time?"
"Is this a body of a healthy person fulfilling his potential?"

Did you know if you take a fish out of a fish bowl and into a lake, that fish can grow up to 10 times bigger. It's science, people. So pick a life that you want and dive right in.

Now I'm going to share something interesting.

About a week ago a girl made an attempt to flirt with me during my lunch break. Instead of continuing the interaction I went back to reading my book and finishing my lunch. I was totally clueless until I was walking back to my desk and thought to myself, "You're dumb, Mike.. That girl was obviously flirting with you!"

All of a sudden I took a step back and realized that this wasn't the first time this happened. I met a good amount of good quality girls who made attempts but I never seemed to follow through. I decided something had to be done in order to save my love life. 

The book I was reading introduced the subject of feng shui. There was a section about how your room can reveal everything about you. So I went home and took a good hard look at my room.

I found the reason for my lack of love based on the external clues of my bedroom. I discovered letters, photos, and other memorabilia from my ex-girlfriends. I was clearly a man who was still holding onto his past which is why I couldn't reach for the future.

Once I removed the clutter, a cloud was lifted from my head. I could breathe again and something interesting happened. I finally went on a date... And it was a really good one. 

Yesterday I finally remodeled my entire room and was happy with the way it turned out. It feels really balanced and reminds me what kind of person I'm aiming to be. Successful, organized and happy. 

Got the picture of L.A from ikea. It was on sale for $40 dollars.

Yes.. that's a sword in the corner. Why? Because I'm a f***ing ninja.. that's why. The tv stand is from ikea too. It was $40 dollars too. Score.

It doesn't stop there. I intend take responsibility and fix up the entire house. I got started on the garage about a few weeks ago and know it's going to take some more time. 

I encourage you to do the same and try it out for yourself. Start to make conscious decisions on what environment you want to set up for yourself and make sure you follow through. Remember, maintenance is key here. Make it a habit to keep your corners clean and keep what you're trying to attract. If you want love, for example, then it's a good idea to have pictures of couples who are happy walking on the beach. If you want to be successful in your business then wear the logo proud on your shirt. 

That's all I have for today. Good luck to you!

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