Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Responsibility (November Health and Fitness)

*I have been inspired to share some personal insights and mindsets one can introduce to their own fitness goals and overall health. I came to the conclusion that blogging would be a lot easier if I stuck to one subject at a time. This is why for the entire month of November, I will be focusing on fitness alone. I dedicate this entire month to my friends and family who need that extra "mind" push to help them get a head start on their New Year's resolution.


Relax. I'm not going to give you some parental lecture on making sure you don't throw a party while I'm out on vacation. I'm not your daddy (unless you want me to be.. just kidding! please don't stop reading..) 

Instead, I want you to really utilize this simple under-rated concept to help you with your fitness goals.

It's time to take some responsibility for our health and body. 

In "Awaken The Giant Within" (I know I referenced this book a few times, it's pretty awesome and Tony Robbins is the man!), 3 thought processes must occur for a change to happen.

These are the 3 thoughts:

1. Something must change - my body

2. I must change it (responsibility)

3. I can change it (believing is achieving) 

That's it.. Only you can prevent forest fires.. I mean, change yourself for the better. 

-No one is going to do your push ups for you.

-No one is going to put down that cup cake for you.

Just you.. This is your life. This is your body. How do you want to live it? Do you want to spend another day in a body you feel like you don't deserve? Do you want to miss out on all the fun things that life has to offer because you don't feel fit or confident? 

You think, "Sure, it's easy for that person to be fit.. They have great metabolism.. They have good genetics."
But you shouldn't think that way.. When you think that or say that, it translates to "I can't do it.. It's too hard and I'm not going to try.. It's easier for me to blame others for their success."

Have some responsibility for your thoughts as well. 

Life is hard for everyone. Everyone has their own challenges. It's what YOU make of it that shows the world what kind of stuff you're made of. 

I know you can do it. 

I hope you believe so too. You deserve it. 

You deserve to feel good. To look good. To wear the clothes you want to wear. To have to confidence to meet anyone and go anywhere without worrying if your pants will rip. (this happened to me. true story) 

"In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Here are some final words of the day. Be your own coach. Push yourself. Be responsible for yourself. Once again.. I know you can do it.

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