Sunday, November 3, 2013

Your "Why" Workout (November Health and Fitness)

*I have been inspired to share some personal insights and mindsets one can introduce to their own fitness goals and overall health. I came to the conclusion that blogging would be a lot easier if I stuck to one subject at a time. This is why for the entire month of November I will be focusing on fitness alone. I dedicate this entire month to my friends and family who need that extra "mind" push to help them get a head start on their New Year's resolution.

Your "Why" Workout

Before you start your workout journey, you must ask yourself why you want this. This is probably the most important piece of information I can offer you. Your "why" must be so powerful that it will justify any hardship and challenges you will endure. 

"Being a fitness professional I wonder why I do what I do.. Cuz I wanna look good." - Shaun T. (Insanity Coach)

Your "why" must be personal. 

When I first started getting into shape, I simply wanted my dad to stop calling me fat. After I dropped out of nursing school, I felt the need to compensate my failure with excessive partying, drinking, and eating. I woke up one morning, rolled myself out of bed and then asked myself, "Did I just really rolled myself out of bed right now?" At 186 lbs, I couldn't remember the last time I was able to sit up. I walked around the house with a beer belly that my father wouldn't let me forget for the longest time. 

Your "why" can change. 

After losing the beer gut I was feeling confident in myself. Confidence comes from consistency and noticeable progress. I began dating (or trying to date). Truthfully, I initially had a hard time with girls. I came to believe that dating would be a lot easier if I looked more fit. This idea came after reading an article about what women found attractive about the male physique. I worked on having broad shoulders, bigger chest, bigger biceps and a smaller waist. 

Your "why" should be bigger than you.

These days, my why has evolved to something a lot more significant than cosmetic looks alone. The reason why I have been pushing myself day in and day out because I want to lead by example. I want to be able to show the people I care about that it's possible to get more from their workout if they only apply their mind. I have been showing better results (pictures soon) just by thinking of others. I'll be in my garage drenched in sweat and literally out of breath saying to myself, "This is for them.. This is for them." I mean come on.. I have a blog that covers fitness. My blog holds me to become better.

I have also adapted the belief that my body is a temple and reflects how I'm living life. I want to be able to achieve extraordinary things and I'm going to need a durable body to do so. I have to have the energy and strength to do the things I want to do from 5 am till 11:30 pm. 

So make sure you do your inner homework and ask yourself why you want this.
-Do you want to get into shape for a special event? (Birthday, wedding, etc.)
-Do you want the energy every day to be able to accomplish your daily duties?
-Do you just want to look good and show off your new look? (This is okay, no shame in it.)

Whatever your reason, keep it close to you. Remind yourself everyday in the gym, in the kitchen and wherever you go. 

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