Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Beer Pong Story

Last night I went to a friend's birthday party and people were playing beer pong.

I once overheard someone say, "If you win in beer pong, you lose in life." Now, I'm mediocre at best when it comes to the b-pong but I decided to play and just have fun with it. 

Nate, who has never drank an ounce of alcohol until this year, was my partner. We decided to try our luck and take on the undefeated champions of the night. 

The game started off embarrassingly enough. When we made a shot, they made two. The amateurs in us were exposed to the party.

Something had to change.

I read this book called "Awaken The Giant Within" and remembered a trick Tony Robbins mentioned when he taught snipers to shoot better. The trick was to visualize the target getting closer. So I used this method.
I said to Nate, "Look buddy.. I know we're down and we probably never had a shot to win in the first place.. but we can't lose without a fight.. Now this is what I want you to do.. Don't pay attention to their laughter and the trash talk.. Stay in this moment with me, visualize the red cup coming closer.. the white rim is expanding and all you need to do is drop the ball in.. It's so easy.. I know you can do this.."

All of a sudden, we were making our shots! We were doing it. We caught up and each team had one cup left on both sides of the table. 

They made a shot in our cup and was ready to celebrate. The odds of us coming back with a rebuttal was against us.

You can feel the party's anticipation while I was taking my time focusing and visualizing the cup closer to me.
Although I was drunk from drinking Nate's beer, I believed I could make this one shot. I believed it so much that I shouted, "This is my rebuttal!!!" 

I made the shot. The crowd went wild.

Long story short, we lost that game. 


The purpose of that story is to demonstrate everything I believe in these days. Even though we lost the battle, we're going to win the war.. The war against our own minds and taking proper control of them. We were inexperienced beer pong players but we instantly transformed ourselves to pro-status by using our minds and focusing. 

Anyways, just focus on what you want and don't be distracted by anything else. 

Bam.. you have been lessoned. 

Night y'all. 

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