Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Reason Why You Aren't Fit... Yet

How bad do you want it?

"Everyone has their own personal struggles when reaching their goals, but you can really tell apart those who wants it more. Where there's a will, there's always a way" - Captain Crunch (Sometimes I get a bit lazy finding out who really said what. But you get the message.)

                Have you ever wanted something so bad enough that you would do anything to get it? Like a teenager you would have done whatever it took to go to that party; in which your parents wouldn't allow you to attend. You would compromise by increasing your grades at school or by doing more chores at home. You would beg and plead by bringing forth your best acting skills you never even knew you had (mine were good enough to win an Oscar actually.. sorry Leo).
                One time, my father grounded me on the night of an important date. No matter what I said or did to convince him, he wouldn't allow me to leave the house. I remember being so frustrated because I really wanted to see this girl. I knew being frustrated wouldn't get me anywhere so I had to come up with a new game plan.
                Ultimately, I ended up inviting my date over to my house for a lock down dinner and movie (My dad said that I couldn't leave the house.. he never said anything about not having anyone come over). I remember feeling a bit embarrassed when I called her and said, “Hey, I can’t leave the house because my dad grounded me. But you should come over instead.” She replied, “Grounded?? Seriously, are you playing some kind of game with me??”
                If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it.

The reason why you’re not close to your fitness goals is simply because you don’t want it enough. Another reason might be that you haven’t found a good enough reason to be fit.
Here is a simple formula:
Want (Desire) = Energy (Actions) = Goal 
The stronger the want (or desire), the more energy you’ll have (as you’ll utilize more ideas and resources) and in turn will bring you way much closer to your goals.
You have to know what you want before you begin anything.
Know the Bene(FIT)s
Maybe you want to be fit because you want to attract the other sex (being that it will really help a lot with your dating successes... <--- by the way, new article in the works "Why working out will and can get you a date 95% of the time")
Let’s say you already do have a special someone. Maybe you want to be fit so you can look amazing for your wedding day.
Maybe you want to be fit because you understand the improved psychological conditions it  will bring; reduces anxiety, increases confidence, increases overall happiness.
Maybe you want to be fit because you want to live a longer and better quality life.(Don’t you  want to still be around to make sure that your loved ones are taken care of? I know I would.)
Whatever the reason is, your “want” must be personal and must be something that really gets you fired up. I can personally say that life is way much better with daily exercise and healthier choices. I don’t think I ever want to go back to the old (unfit)lifestyle I once had.
So now is the time to get back to the drawing boards and come up with exactly what you want from working out.

Try this on for size:
Find motivation through pictures of people in the shape you would like to be inside workout magazines. Cut those images out and paste those images on your wall. This is to remind you on a daily basis that this is what you crave. Make sure you can really resonate with whatever it is you want. Over time you'll naturally and progressively come up with new game plans on how to achieve your "wants". You'll be surprised how well this works.

I know I was.

So until next time..

Want more. Do more. Live more.

Mike Mora

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