Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Truth About Honesty (Truth Talk Part One)

This is a repost of something I wrote and posted on facebook about 2 months ago.. It has significantly changed my life and hopefully this can do the same for you. So here it is. 


The truth about honesty

I started this experiment where I would be 95-100% honest. Inspired by a TED talk, I first kept an average of how many lies I told a day. I was surprised to track an average of 20 lies on my first day. Now, I think I'm a good guy and going into this experiment I thought it would be easy. But it was the small white lies that I told. For example, someone would invite me out and I would say I had another engagement, but the truth is that I just didn't feel like it.

Another portion of the lies I told, were the lies I told myself. I would say it in my head that I wanted one thing, but I noticed my body doing the complete opposite.

Honestly, this is an amazing experiment everyone needs to try. Why? Because it is so powerful. It's very uncomfortable at first, but it's worth it. You will find a good amount of happiness.

For example, when it comes to dating, it's important to be honest about what you want first. And to also be honest with that potential partner straight up. We always put on our "good behavior" during the first dates, and we're not being ourselves completely; which is why after the honeymoon phase, people become comfortable and start showing their true colors, both parties start questioning "what did I get myself into?" So be you and be proud, and if that other person can't handle you, there's someone out there who will. Someone more worth it.

I was out with a friend having lunch the other day, and he noticed a girl that he found attractive. I encouraged him and said go talk to her. He said, "no. I'm really nervous."
I then said, "Well, use that. Say that you're nervous to talk to her, but you just needed to and you just want to get to know her."
He went over and 5 minutes later he came back with the biggest smile. Apparently, she appreciated his honesty and gave him the digits. (hollerrrr)

I could go on and on about this subject. But let me wrap up with this. It's very important to be honest with yourself. You hate your job? Then quit. You want to try something new? Then do it. Let's not lie to ourselves.

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