Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do Unto Others..

People tend to ask the wrong/simple questions like, “why do bad things happen to good people?” Well, this is an easy question to answer. First, let’s take a look at these so-called “bad things” and determine if they’re really bad. Sure, at the moment it may seem bad, but “bad things” tend to happen in order to present challenges to the people. And overcoming challenges means growth. Don’t good people deserve to grow? It’s just a simple matter of fact of looking at it.

Let’s reframe our thinking.. Yes, bad things happen to good people.. But bad things never happen to positive people.

I believe God wouldn’t give us situations that he knew we couldn’t handle. He believes in all of us and we should do the same. And yes.. There are really really bad things that happen to people in which they can’t grow from.. but this presents us the opportunity to reach out and help them.. But instead we watch, do nothing and ask, “why do bad things happen to good people?”

Now is the right time to start asking smarter questions like, “who can I help?”, “where are the places that need my help?”, “what can I do to help?” etc.

And we think we don’t have the time, but help can come in small forms like simply listening to someone who had a bad day; or sending out a little prayer.

I’m sharing this because the mindset to start the day thinking of other people is insanely powerful. I get so much more done with my time and in turn helps me personally. My instant cure for the blues is making someone smile right away. I’m like, “Oh no.. I’m having a bad day. Hold up there’s Bob.. Hey Bob, you’re awesome bro!” and then Bob gives a big smile and says, “Thanks Mike, you made my day.”

And then I whisper.. “No Bob, you just made my day.. yes you did.”
And then Bob is like, “Umm.. I got to go now.”

I wrote an article on my blog entitled, “You are your environment, so make your environment awesome.” Same rules apply. Shape your world the way you want to live. Help people to help yourself.

So I challenge you to start asking smarter questions.
And I advise that you do more for others in order for you to do more for yourselves.

Happy Hump day.

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