Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Be A Bigger Fish (December Health and Fitness)

They (scientists) say that fish have the capacity to grow 3 times larger in the ocean, rather than left in a fish tank. I'm not sure how much this is true, but I definitely noticed a big change since moving my workout from my garage and into a real gym.

I encourage everyone to join a gym for these reasons:

1. You get to learn some new stuff

-Every time I go into my gym to get my sexy on, I pay attention to what others are doing around me. I quickly take mental notes and see if I can use their moves in the near future. It's always good to try something new and challenging. Also, if you just ask, people will gladly share what works for them and you can also make a new friend.

2. You'll discover how much harder you should work

-When it comes to anything in life, we are lazy. We don't like hard work and we don't like to work hard. This could explain why there is an increase of college drop outs, unemployment rates and divorce rates.
We live in a time where we expect things to come easy to us and are disappointed when we don't get what we want. I believe this laziness is the result of just being misinformed.. (Forgive us father, for we do not know)

-I ran into a high school buddy at the gym the other day and agreed to follow his workout. After performing 30 minutes of pure cardio, I was dripping with sweat. I said, "Whew! Man, that was a good workout!" To which he replied, "What are you talking about? That was only the warm up."

-I learned quickly that my workout game needed much improvement and not to be scared to push myself harder. What doesn't kill, definitely will make you stronger for sure.

3. Motivation is free

-At the gym, it's almost impossible to just sit there and do nothing. With so many people sweating, panting and almost out of breath, you will feel guilty that you are not performing at their level.

-I love the fact that when I'm trying to one up in the weights department, someone will shoot me a look that says, "Yo.. I see you right now man.. Get that bar up! I believe in you!"

-(Secret time) My homies won't admit this, but they say that when they're tired they'll do a few more reps of whatever they were doing because a hot girl passes by. I don't know about you, but that's pretty motivating as well.

Anyways, that's all I got for you today.

So just dive in and don't afraid to get wet (sweat).

Be a bigger better fish... and swim good.

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