Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Power of Now (December Health and Fitness)

A powerful mindset that I've been adapting into my workout routine is "The Power of Now"

Ever since I can remember, my dad would use certain catch phrases that he would say repeatedly:

  • "For once you did something right in your life."

  • "Bring me up a cup of ice cream... A-hole!"

  • "You want money? Like fun! Hahahahaha."

But out of all the things he said, my favorite was, 



Procrastination.. I've been a victim to it. I think everyone has. It's such a terrible thing to wait until the last minute to start doing something. This is a big factor that separates the successful and the not-so-successful.

When it comes to working out, I used to tell myself that I'll do it when I felt like it. (But this is wrong.)

"If you wait until you feel motivated or “in the mood” you 
may never start the task, especially if it is boring or unpleasant. Action comes first before 
motivation." - (taken from the article WHY PEOPLE PROCRASTINATE) 

Get rid of your excuses and just start doing it.. even if you don't feel like it. Soon, your physiology will match your brain and then you'll feel like it. 

As I am writing this post and getting ready for my workout, I'm feeling a bit under the weather. And even though I'm sick, I know that shouldn't be an excuse for me to not get my daily sweat on. I tell myself that I'm not going to wait until I'm 100% healthy to work towards something I want. What doesn't kill me, will make me stronger.

The reason why I like my dad's catch phrase, "If you don't do it now, then you'll never do it" is because it's so truthful.

Before, I would be running and tell myself, "I'm tired.. I know I got a little more energy but I'll just do better tomorrow." Then tomorrow will show up and I end up doing the same thing. We tend to make it a habit to perform well whenever it's comfortable for us.. Which leads to mediocre results.

 Instead, we should start thinking, "I'm going to do my best right now. I'm going to give it my all and make it a habit to perform at my maximum peak." If you implement this mindset everyday, you'll start to make it a habit. When you make doing your best a habit, it'll feel like a second nature and soon you'll wake up and see a totally different person in the mirror. 

So take my dad's advice..

Work out now.

Don't give up now. 

Do your best now... or else you'll never do it.

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