Monday, January 13, 2014

The Best Fitness Advice I Can Give

Setting Yourself Up For Fitness Success

I've been wanting to write this post for a very long time. The reason why I've been postponing this article is because I didn't want to give my best advice away so soon. But it's a new year and I'm sure I'll have an abundance of good advice to give away. So here it is...


Okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions first.

What does your room look like?
-Is the bed made? Are your clothes folded or placed neatly in your closet? Do you have random items scattered all over?

The reason I ask this is because I want you to be aware of the person living in this room. When you look at your environment, does it say that a neat and organized person lives here? Or does it say otherwise?

Determining your environment type will help you become aware of the person you are. Your room, your house, your car and your office can be clear indicators of what you hold as a priority.

Another question:
Does your environment indicate that you hold fitness as a priority?
(If twinkie wrappers are falling out of your glove compartment, then it is unlikely.)

Important rule to live by:
By changing your external environment, your external environment will change you.


Let's explore what happens when you actively keep putting yourself in an environment that keeps you successful in your fit goals.


This is what my fitness reality looks like:

I have a box of health nutrition bars next to my bed, a closet that holds comfortable workout clothes, a refrigerator filled with healthy choices, car which store an extra pair of running shoes, a gym membership id attached to my key chain, workout magazines on my desk, protein shakes in my cubicle, etc and etc.

All of these things that surround me are clues. They show me everyday that I am a person who holds fitness as a priority.

I also surround myself with friends who are extremely motivated and exercise savvy.

(You are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.. So throw in a few fit people in your social circle, and see what kind of magic occurs.)

You need to do the same if you want to be healthy/fit/strong.
You must surround yourself with fitness related things that will remind you that you are a fit person.
Your “Fit environment” is the most powerful tool that you can use for yourself because it consistently holds you in fitness success.

For example, I can be the biggest hypocrite at times and I change my mind about things constantly.
(Honesty, there are days where I say, “F* the workout and F* eating healthy.”)
But by understanding my hypocritical flaw, I can prevent myself from straying the course by actively shaping my environment.

Another example. Just the other day I wasn't in the mood for fitness. I was getting distracted with other things until my friend called me and said, “Hey Mike, how are your workouts coming along?? I learned some new stuff I need to show you.” And just like that, his excitement about exercise got me pumped up once again.

Here are some other things that you can add to you fitness environment:

1. Sign up for a marathon
-Statistically speaking, your success rate for being fit increases when you implement a long term goal; rather than a short term goal. So schedule your big run 3 months from now and start training right away

2. Join a gym
-If you're looking for a new fit environment, make sure you spend some time here. The gym holds many different body types from beginner to expert so there's no reason to feel intimidated. Start small and don't be afraid to learn something new from your new gym buddies.

3. Start a fitness blog
- Ever since I started writing about fitness I been getting into the best shape of my life. My blog holds me to following my own advice and I'm actively thinking about new fitness advice. I wouldn't trust a candy man who never ate his own candy. So why wouldn't I follow my own advice?


Set yourself for success and not failure.
Actively plan out what your environment looks like on a weekly basis.
If your environment is running short of health foods, then go get some more.
If your environment is unfamiliar with the gym setting, then you better start getting familiar.
Do whatever it takes to make sure you stick with this reality.. Because this reality is the best one to live in.
I'll be discussing why this is in the next fitness post. So stay tuned.

So there it is.
The best fitness advice I can give.

Good luck,
Mike M.

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