Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Your Dating Foundation (Becoming a Person of Value)

Your Dating Foundation

When it comes to being successful at anything, one must first establish a strong foundation. Just like a building you have to have the strong framework or else you will collapse.

This New Year brings much opportunity to work on a new you. Before you get too excited and rush out into the dating world, it's extremely imperative that you work on becoming the best "you" that you can be. Today I will be introducing the most important element regarding love - self improvement. 

This idea of loving yourself is quite simple yet so many people tend to overlook this factor.


People like to think that someone else (other than themselves) might have the key to unlock their own happiness. We jump from date to date thinking, "Maybe this is the one who will make me happy this time." Things go great until eventually everything falls apart and we're left wondering what happened.

I'm going to give it straight to you.. You can't be in a happy dating lifestyle or relationship if you are not a happy person.

I've spent years trying to figure this out for myself. I always wondered why I couldn't sustain a long and happy relationship. Then this idea finally dawned on me... I never worked on pleasing the person I spent most of my time with; which was me. 

I wake up, I'm with myself.

I eat, I'm with myself.

I work, I'm with myself. 

I run, I'm with myself.

I sleep, I'm with myself. 

I'm with myself all the time... You get the idea. 

So now you're probably wondering, "This is all good, but get to the point." Ok, I'm getting there.

Do you love yourself?

Do you love your life?

Would you date yourself? 


Now you're probably saying, "Of course I love myself. I would totally go out with me!"

Ok.. If you really believe that, why do you hesitate when it comes to talking to that girl/boy over there??
It's because your subconscious doesn't think that you are deserving enough yet. I hate to break it to you.. but you really don't believe you are attractive/deserving. 

THE POINT ---> So how can you make others think that you are attractive/deserving if you can't get yourself to believe it??


It is time to feel deserving, my friend. 

Do yourself a favor and become a person of value. In other words, learn to value yourself. 

What makes you feel attractive? And be real..

For example: 
I used to think I was so cool because I was the pretty boy who went out with pretty girls. But to be honest, this was a false belief that belonged to my ego.

In all truth, what really makes me feel attractive is doing the right thing. I speak up for others who can't speak up for themselves. I constantly offer value; I write to help others, I go out of my way to make someone else's day, I spend my excess time volunteering with kids and teens from impoverish backgrounds (link below if you're interested in volunteering) I treat my body right with exercise and healthy food, I put myself in positions I want to be in and I constantly lead myself and others into progression.

I am seeing myself become a man I admire and respect everyday. This is what makes me feel attractive/deserving.

It's different for everyone though.. So dig deep down and find what makes you the best "you". 
This is the time to reinvent yourself and find out what you like. Keep what works and discard what doesn't work. 

When you get to a point where you built your life in such a way that's amazing and self reliant on your own happiness, that's how you know you're ready to become a dating rock-star. 

"The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become." - Jim Rohn

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