Thursday, October 9, 2014

Work Out, Get Dates

Why Working Out Can and Will Get You Love

Let me begin by addressing my millions of fans: Sorry for the wait, yall. I know you have been expecting an article for quite some time. I guess I went off on a soul searching adventure. You can even say I'm still off in that adventure as life tends to get in the way. But no matter how much life tends to be inconvenient, the show must go on! So, I am presenting you with one hella amazing article! Bon appetit! 

Him: Hey babe?
Her: Yeah?
Him: I'm glad you squat.
Her: I was doing it for Ryan Gosling.
Him: Ok, fair enough. 

The Obvious.. Confidence

Yes, we all know that working out will increase confidence due to these several factors:
1. Exercise can allow the release of feel good chemicals like dopamine and endorphins. 
2. A transformed body can and will make anyone feel better about themselves.
3. Accomplishing goals is always a confidence booster. 

Confidence is such an important key factor to have when diving into the dating world. Having confidence lets others know that you're the one to get the job done. You may be asking yourself, "what job?"... the job to love this person so hard that they can barely walk the next day.

"I'm the only one to get the job done."- Drake

It's all about intent

The secret to really attracting love is making sure you're working out for the right reason. Sometimes we become so hard on pushing ourselves in the gym, it feels like we're punishing ourselves. Instead, we must work on our health because we love ourselves and only want the best for us. People say if you want love, you must learn to love yourself first. Be conscious of your reason to work and improve on your body. Having the right intentions will bring forth miracles in your love life. 

"Take care of your body and it will take care of you."- Tony Robbins

Most people usually get burnt out in the dating world because they neglected to work out the "self-love" muscle. Tony Robbins suggests using the affirmation of "I love my life" in his breathing when 
in the gym. I tried it and brings effective results. I'm convinced that I love my life! 

You should definitely give the breathing affirmations and loving yourself first a try. Make sure you just don't work out the "self-love" muscle in the gym but rather everywhere you go. 


When you get into fitness, there's a high chance that you will meet plenty of other sexy singles. Unless you workout at home, you can easily meet and make new friends at gyms, marathons or crossfit tournaments. This exposure to meeting more people increases the opportunity for potential dates. So don't pass up the chance to meet quality people. These people are the best people to approach and you don't really need a good reason to strike up a convo. A simple, "Hi pretty lady, can I buy you a post workout shake?" will suffice. 


This article is finally completed, so go out there and kill two birds with one stone. Get a killer bod while finding the love of your life! 

Until next time.

Mike Mora 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Reason Why You Aren't Fit... Yet

How bad do you want it?

"Everyone has their own personal struggles when reaching their goals, but you can really tell apart those who wants it more. Where there's a will, there's always a way" - Captain Crunch (Sometimes I get a bit lazy finding out who really said what. But you get the message.)

                Have you ever wanted something so bad enough that you would do anything to get it? Like a teenager you would have done whatever it took to go to that party; in which your parents wouldn't allow you to attend. You would compromise by increasing your grades at school or by doing more chores at home. You would beg and plead by bringing forth your best acting skills you never even knew you had (mine were good enough to win an Oscar actually.. sorry Leo).
                One time, my father grounded me on the night of an important date. No matter what I said or did to convince him, he wouldn't allow me to leave the house. I remember being so frustrated because I really wanted to see this girl. I knew being frustrated wouldn't get me anywhere so I had to come up with a new game plan.
                Ultimately, I ended up inviting my date over to my house for a lock down dinner and movie (My dad said that I couldn't leave the house.. he never said anything about not having anyone come over). I remember feeling a bit embarrassed when I called her and said, “Hey, I can’t leave the house because my dad grounded me. But you should come over instead.” She replied, “Grounded?? Seriously, are you playing some kind of game with me??”
                If you want it bad enough, you’ll get it.

The reason why you’re not close to your fitness goals is simply because you don’t want it enough. Another reason might be that you haven’t found a good enough reason to be fit.
Here is a simple formula:
Want (Desire) = Energy (Actions) = Goal 
The stronger the want (or desire), the more energy you’ll have (as you’ll utilize more ideas and resources) and in turn will bring you way much closer to your goals.
You have to know what you want before you begin anything.
Know the Bene(FIT)s
Maybe you want to be fit because you want to attract the other sex (being that it will really help a lot with your dating successes... <--- by the way, new article in the works "Why working out will and can get you a date 95% of the time")
Let’s say you already do have a special someone. Maybe you want to be fit so you can look amazing for your wedding day.
Maybe you want to be fit because you understand the improved psychological conditions it  will bring; reduces anxiety, increases confidence, increases overall happiness.
Maybe you want to be fit because you want to live a longer and better quality life.(Don’t you  want to still be around to make sure that your loved ones are taken care of? I know I would.)
Whatever the reason is, your “want” must be personal and must be something that really gets you fired up. I can personally say that life is way much better with daily exercise and healthier choices. I don’t think I ever want to go back to the old (unfit)lifestyle I once had.
So now is the time to get back to the drawing boards and come up with exactly what you want from working out.

Try this on for size:
Find motivation through pictures of people in the shape you would like to be inside workout magazines. Cut those images out and paste those images on your wall. This is to remind you on a daily basis that this is what you crave. Make sure you can really resonate with whatever it is you want. Over time you'll naturally and progressively come up with new game plans on how to achieve your "wants". You'll be surprised how well this works.

I know I was.

So until next time..

Want more. Do more. Live more.

Mike Mora

Monday, January 27, 2014

My Grandfather's Favorite Song

Wonderful World
From left to right: Aunt Lil, Grandma Mora, Grandpa Mora

            I never got the chance to meet any of my grandparents, but the stories I hear from my parents allow me know them as if they were still alive. My grandfather (on my dad's side) was a very interesting man. He was a boxer, a chef, a lotto winner and a military man (as a navy officer, he once escorted President Nixon through the rain holding up his umbrella). With all these titles under his belt, most importantly he was an appreciative man.

"I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.."

            One thing that I found very interesting about my grandfather was that his favorite song of all time was “Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong. Whenever I stop and listen to the words of this song, I imagine looking at the world through my grandfather’s eyes. I learn to appreciate the wonders and beauty this whole world has to offer. With all the hustle and bustle that life brings, we tend to forget that there’s always something to be grateful for; we just have to stop, look, listen and pay attention.

"I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day and the dark sacred night

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.."

                The laws of attraction states that we tend to bring more of what we focus on. So by turning our attention on the good things we already have (what we call appreciation) we will be filled with an abundance of more of that good stuff to come.

"The colors of the rainbow, So pretty in the sky. 

Are also on the faces, Of people going by, 

I see friends shaking hands. Saying, "How do you do?" 
They're really saying, "I love you"…"

            Whether this is true or not, I only know what I know… And what I know is that ever since I started practicing the art of appreciation, my life has definitely been blessed with amazing things beyond my own comprehension. I started appreciating the small things we take for granted. For example, I just spent my Saturday at the beach hanging out and simply enjoying my day. The view of the ocean is free, but I already feel wealthy being able to see it whenever I can.

"I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, 

They'll learn much more, Than I'll ever know. 

And I think to myself, What a wonderful world…"

                I also am very grateful for the relationships I share with my friends, family and myself (This wasn’t always the case either as we definitely shared some trivial moments with one another). But by learning to accept what I have and start taking care of what’s in front of me, it was no surprised that I attracted a stronger bond with all my loved ones. What was unexpected though was how powerful this skill became as I never could have foreseen the arrival of someone truly special to me; a story to be shared for another time.

 "Yes, I think to myself, What a wonderful world.
Ohh yeah."

I can see why my grandfather lived an extraordinary life because he himself had extraordinary appreciation. I hope you take this message to heart and start to give thanks to everything this universe has to offer you. You may go through a tough time, but remember that the blue sky will always be above you as a reminder from God saying, “I made this for you and only you.” 

 "If you all you pray is "Thank you", that is enough"- Oprah

Thanks for taking time to read this article..

With much appreciation,
Mike Mora

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mike Mora's Motivation Minute

Don't Be Discouraged

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail at something?

Today I'm writing to tell you that you are extremely close to your goals; you just don't know it yet. 


When it comes to accomplishing a big task or goal, we tend to get overwhelmed at the journey ahead of us. We tend to feel discouraged and give up way too early. In result, we deprive ourselves of the rewards waiting just around the corner because we believe this is impossible. 

So what's the solution?

Make it possible.

The solution is to take that big goal and break it into pieces. When the goal becomes divided, performing each piece of that goal will make it seem easier and achievable. You must believe it in order to achieve it.


After going through a break up last year, I realized that I gained weight from eating my feelings. 
(Ben and Jerry were my only fwends) 
I had a belly like no other and the only solution was to start the workout journey all over again. 

I knew it was going to take me at least 3 months to get to that point where I needed myself to be; as P90X results usually occur around that time span.

It seem like a daunting task but I knew this was more of a mental challenge. I simply told myself, "Let's not think too much about it and just take it one day at a time."

And that's exactly what I did. 

A big part of winning the game is just to show up. So I showed up every day and told myself not to be discouraged. I knew that being overweight was temporary and that time is really an illusion. 

I kept telling myself, "I'm already fit.. my body doesn't know it yet." 


This is my advice to you..

Don't be discouraged, but instead have the courage to keep on going.

Get rid of that fear of failing because in truth you can't fail.

All you need to do is find that emotional state of succeeding and you will succeed. 

Just take it one day at a time. 

Come on, I'm rooting for you. 

Mike Mora

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mike Mora's Motivation Minute


This is a new segment that I want to introduce to you. I understand that everyone is busy performing daily responsibilities and finding time to read is a luxury. I also understand that these days motivation is just as valuable and I'm willing to give it to you just for a minute of your time. 

Why is this important? 

It's important because someone gave me the gift of daily inspiration almost a year ago.. I didn't think nothing of it until I realized that I've grown so much and accomplished so many of my personal goals; better job, better health, better relationships, better quality of life. I'm just simply returning the favor to the universe and now passing on the torch to you. 

You deserve to have everything you want. You owe it to yourself.

Give me a minute, and I'll give you more than expected. 

Although I have a good amount of positivity stored within me, there are still moments of uncertainty, hurt, fear, etc that I may encounter time from time.

Today, for example, I was dealing with an unfavorable issue and carried it with me wherever I went. It was something that I couldn't shake off and was starting to ruin my afternoon.

It was only until I turned on the radio and heard these lyrics to a song, "How am I going to be an optimist about this?" that I was able to evaluate my current situation.

It was that moment that I realized I was asking the wrong questions to solve the issue I had. 

When we encounter problems we (unconsciously) tend to ask ourselves:
"Why does this always happen to me?"
"What did I do to deserve this?"
"When will this pain stop?"

It's these type of reactive questions that will set you up for failure. Thoughts are the root of our actions and our subconscious will always find a way to tie them together. So by asking, "Why does this always happen to me?" then the universe will bring you more of that unwanted feeling or situation. 

It's only until we ask the right (proactive) questions, that we can take control of our situation and improve our current state. If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.

So start observing your thoughts and begin to ask yourself questions like: 
"What can I learn from this so this won't happen again?"
"Is there anything positive that can come from this?"
or even
"How can I be an optimist about this?"

Learn to control your thoughts and everything else will follow. 

Times up..
Mike Mora 


Here's the song I was talking about by the way

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Best Fitness Advice I Can Give

Setting Yourself Up For Fitness Success

I've been wanting to write this post for a very long time. The reason why I've been postponing this article is because I didn't want to give my best advice away so soon. But it's a new year and I'm sure I'll have an abundance of good advice to give away. So here it is...


Okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions first.

What does your room look like?
-Is the bed made? Are your clothes folded or placed neatly in your closet? Do you have random items scattered all over?

The reason I ask this is because I want you to be aware of the person living in this room. When you look at your environment, does it say that a neat and organized person lives here? Or does it say otherwise?

Determining your environment type will help you become aware of the person you are. Your room, your house, your car and your office can be clear indicators of what you hold as a priority.

Another question:
Does your environment indicate that you hold fitness as a priority?
(If twinkie wrappers are falling out of your glove compartment, then it is unlikely.)

Important rule to live by:
By changing your external environment, your external environment will change you.


Let's explore what happens when you actively keep putting yourself in an environment that keeps you successful in your fit goals.


This is what my fitness reality looks like:

I have a box of health nutrition bars next to my bed, a closet that holds comfortable workout clothes, a refrigerator filled with healthy choices, car which store an extra pair of running shoes, a gym membership id attached to my key chain, workout magazines on my desk, protein shakes in my cubicle, etc and etc.

All of these things that surround me are clues. They show me everyday that I am a person who holds fitness as a priority.

I also surround myself with friends who are extremely motivated and exercise savvy.

(You are the average of the 5 people you spend most of your time with.. So throw in a few fit people in your social circle, and see what kind of magic occurs.)

You need to do the same if you want to be healthy/fit/strong.
You must surround yourself with fitness related things that will remind you that you are a fit person.
Your “Fit environment” is the most powerful tool that you can use for yourself because it consistently holds you in fitness success.

For example, I can be the biggest hypocrite at times and I change my mind about things constantly.
(Honesty, there are days where I say, “F* the workout and F* eating healthy.”)
But by understanding my hypocritical flaw, I can prevent myself from straying the course by actively shaping my environment.

Another example. Just the other day I wasn't in the mood for fitness. I was getting distracted with other things until my friend called me and said, “Hey Mike, how are your workouts coming along?? I learned some new stuff I need to show you.” And just like that, his excitement about exercise got me pumped up once again.

Here are some other things that you can add to you fitness environment:

1. Sign up for a marathon
-Statistically speaking, your success rate for being fit increases when you implement a long term goal; rather than a short term goal. So schedule your big run 3 months from now and start training right away

2. Join a gym
-If you're looking for a new fit environment, make sure you spend some time here. The gym holds many different body types from beginner to expert so there's no reason to feel intimidated. Start small and don't be afraid to learn something new from your new gym buddies.

3. Start a fitness blog
- Ever since I started writing about fitness I been getting into the best shape of my life. My blog holds me to following my own advice and I'm actively thinking about new fitness advice. I wouldn't trust a candy man who never ate his own candy. So why wouldn't I follow my own advice?


Set yourself for success and not failure.
Actively plan out what your environment looks like on a weekly basis.
If your environment is running short of health foods, then go get some more.
If your environment is unfamiliar with the gym setting, then you better start getting familiar.
Do whatever it takes to make sure you stick with this reality.. Because this reality is the best one to live in.
I'll be discussing why this is in the next fitness post. So stay tuned.

So there it is.
The best fitness advice I can give.

Good luck,
Mike M.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Your Dating Foundation (Becoming a Person of Value)

Your Dating Foundation

When it comes to being successful at anything, one must first establish a strong foundation. Just like a building you have to have the strong framework or else you will collapse.

This New Year brings much opportunity to work on a new you. Before you get too excited and rush out into the dating world, it's extremely imperative that you work on becoming the best "you" that you can be. Today I will be introducing the most important element regarding love - self improvement. 

This idea of loving yourself is quite simple yet so many people tend to overlook this factor.


People like to think that someone else (other than themselves) might have the key to unlock their own happiness. We jump from date to date thinking, "Maybe this is the one who will make me happy this time." Things go great until eventually everything falls apart and we're left wondering what happened.

I'm going to give it straight to you.. You can't be in a happy dating lifestyle or relationship if you are not a happy person.

I've spent years trying to figure this out for myself. I always wondered why I couldn't sustain a long and happy relationship. Then this idea finally dawned on me... I never worked on pleasing the person I spent most of my time with; which was me. 

I wake up, I'm with myself.

I eat, I'm with myself.

I work, I'm with myself. 

I run, I'm with myself.

I sleep, I'm with myself. 

I'm with myself all the time... You get the idea. 

So now you're probably wondering, "This is all good, but get to the point." Ok, I'm getting there.

Do you love yourself?

Do you love your life?

Would you date yourself? 


Now you're probably saying, "Of course I love myself. I would totally go out with me!"

Ok.. If you really believe that, why do you hesitate when it comes to talking to that girl/boy over there??
It's because your subconscious doesn't think that you are deserving enough yet. I hate to break it to you.. but you really don't believe you are attractive/deserving. 

THE POINT ---> So how can you make others think that you are attractive/deserving if you can't get yourself to believe it??


It is time to feel deserving, my friend. 

Do yourself a favor and become a person of value. In other words, learn to value yourself. 

What makes you feel attractive? And be real..

For example: 
I used to think I was so cool because I was the pretty boy who went out with pretty girls. But to be honest, this was a false belief that belonged to my ego.

In all truth, what really makes me feel attractive is doing the right thing. I speak up for others who can't speak up for themselves. I constantly offer value; I write to help others, I go out of my way to make someone else's day, I spend my excess time volunteering with kids and teens from impoverish backgrounds (link below if you're interested in volunteering) I treat my body right with exercise and healthy food, I put myself in positions I want to be in and I constantly lead myself and others into progression.

I am seeing myself become a man I admire and respect everyday. This is what makes me feel attractive/deserving.

It's different for everyone though.. So dig deep down and find what makes you the best "you". 
This is the time to reinvent yourself and find out what you like. Keep what works and discard what doesn't work. 

When you get to a point where you built your life in such a way that's amazing and self reliant on your own happiness, that's how you know you're ready to become a dating rock-star. 

"The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become." - Jim Rohn